The Latin phrase pro bono publico – usually shortened to “pro bono” – means professional work undertaken voluntarily and at no charge. This is work for people who are unable to afford payment or for non-profit organizations dedicated to providing charitable services.
LF Translations has a proud history of providing free legal translations and interpretations to charitable organizations in our community.
For example, LF has a longstanding relationship with CABA – the Cuban American Bar Association – to provide Spanish-speaking interpreters free of charge for minors who are seeking political asylum in the United States.
LF Translations also provides translation support to FIDEC – “Fighting Infectious Diseases in Emerging Countries” – an Argentinian non-profit organization whose mission is to increase awareness of techniques to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. We have been a pro-bono supporter and consultant for FIDEC and have assisted in its search for new markets in the United States by localizing source material from Argentinian Spanish into American English. One specific project involved translation and desktop publishing of a children’s book dedicated to teaching fun methods for germ fighting. We also connected FIDEC with The Center for Writing and Literature to disseminate its books in multiple languages throughout Miami.
Because LF Translations is a woman-owned business we also provide pro-bono translations (most recently of brochures into Spanish and Creole) for the YWCA in connection with community programs benefiting female populations seeking mental health therapy, financial advice, and professional development tools.
LF also translates community program brochures into Spanish and Creole for the Bass Museum of Art on Miami Beach, which brings international contemporary art to new audiences and provides a number of excellent educational programs to children and young adults in neighborhoods beyond Miami Beach.
First, cultivating meaningful connections within our community is a way to express our gratitude for the business opportunities we enjoy every day in Miami. Engaging in community service also makes our employees happier and more productive.
Second, the people who are served by these organization really do need our help. We are passionate about the charities we support and the people who benefit from them. As President John F. Kennedy said, “To those whom much is given, much is expected.”
Third, community giving allows us to learn and grow and build our professional skills.
Finally, charitable work gives us a chance to interact with people of diverse cultures, interests and backgrounds and to network with other like-minded volunteers.
Through pro bono work, LF Translations proudly “pays it forward” to the Miami-Dade County community and empowers people when they have nowhere else to turn.